The Ultimate Robot Vacuum Cleaner And Mopper

roborock s5 max

When the coronvirus outbreak started to get more serious, we had no choice but to stop the weekly visits of our cleaning lady of many years. I had been eyeing a robot vacuum cleaner for a few years so now was the time since we would have to take over the cleaning chores. We thought it would be a short while, but here we are still cleaning and cooking meals.

Of course, I had the best known at the top of my list – the iRobot Roomba. As I researched and read, I became more intrigued by the idea of vacuuming and mopping by one robot. This was more important to us because our house has hardwood floors with area rugs. If your house is primarily carpeted, you may not find the mopping as compelling.

This preference led me to the Roborock S5 Max.

This has been one of our best purchases of all time. No kidding. Here’s what the Roborock S5 Max does. It maps out your entire house – every nook and cranny, learning where your furniture is, where your chairs are, everything. With the Roborock app, you let the Roborock S5 Max know where your carpets are. You can divide the rooms any way you want. You can create groups. You schedule when you want your rooms or groups vacuumed and mopped. In the settings, you set the vacuum power and the amount of water used for mopping.

For vacuum only, you leave the mopping unit off and the Roborock S5 Max will vacuum all spaces. If you install the mopping unit, the Roborock S5 Max will vacuum and then mop all spaces except the carpets.

Our house is about 2,500 square feet and we empty the dust collector after a few times. We divided the schedule in half between living spaces and sleeping spaces. The mop unit tank will last for one half of the house. The unit makes announcements when the dust collector is full or the mop tank is out of water. It also makes announcements if it gets stuck or an error occurs. This is rare unless you leave a shoe lace or similar item lying around.

This robot is so smart. It takes the most efficient route for each vacuuming. It will return to its charging base if it needs to recharge and will restart when it has enough charge. It knows where the furniture is, the chairs are and it knows that they’re not going to be in the exact spots each time. In addition to extensive scheduling capabilities, you can do any number of ad hoc group, room and spot cleans.

The vacuuming is very powerful. No compromises there. The mopping is what you’d expect with a wet mop using limited water. It’s not going to scrub or spray chemical cleaners. It’s like lightly taking a damp cloth to your floor. The unit is not too loud. We schedule it to clean the living spaces in the middle of the night and it doesn’t wake us in the bedrooms. The unit comes in black or white. We went with white just to be able to see it better.

As I said, this is one of our best purchases ever.

Buy Now: Roborock S5 Max